Whenever I play a game, the graphics card gets extremely hot (within 10 to 15 minutes). But when the PC is in idle mode, the card runs cooler. When a game is running, the card gets so hot that it smells like something is burning inside the cabinet.
If there is a burning smell when the graphics card is running at full load, either the graphics card is not getting enough cooling from the internal fan or the cabinet’s cooling fan, or the graphics card itself is faulty. Make sure that you have a dust-free cabinet. Clean the cabinet using a good blower and ensure that the graphics card fan is completely clean. Also make sure that the case ventilation fans are working and the cabinet is not placed in an area that has insufficient air-fl ow around it. If the burning smell continues, you might want to have the card inspected by the dealer.
Remove dust from the cabinet and ensure that the graphics card fan is completely clean.
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